Roero, Italy, tourist information
Langhe, Roero & Monferrato Unesco Heritage map
Culture, economy, tradition, language, food, everything is deeply tied to the wine in the territories of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato.
A bond that is born in ancient times to evolve day by day becoming the main and indissoluble value of the territory.
A value so extraordinary to become in June 2014, the 50th Italian site of the World Heritage List of the UNESCO.
Langhe, Roero & Monferrato Unesco Heritage map
The listed site consists of six main elements “The Langa of Barolo” (1), “The Castle of Grinzane Cavour” (2) “The hills of Barbaresco” (3), Nizza Monferrato and the Barbera
“(4) and “Canelli and the Asti Spumante (5) “the Monferrato of Infernot‘ (6), and is completed with a proposal for a buffer zone, built to protect the site and its values.
Where to stay in Roero wine Country
Roero Maps